Forums - Now that it's been established that Iceman beats cable, is he a great character?? Show all 105 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Now that it's been established that Iceman beats cable, is he a great character?? ( Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 07:41 PM: What's you guys input on this new found situation? Posted by Rollchan on 05:13:2001 07:43 PM: Iceman does NOT beat Cable. Grenades = chip Icefreak. Couple that in with BH's AAA and you got one trapped human popsicle. Posted by Neo Rasa on 05:13:2001 07:46 PM: Rahsaan11: When was this proven? I've seen just the opposite proven many times on here to be honest... Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 07:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rollchan Iceman does NOT beat Cable. Grenades = chip Icefreak. Couple that in with BH's AAA and you got one trapped human popsicle. IT has already been established that Iceman beats him. i.e. the jap top tier thread. The question is, where does that put him in you guys little silly t*ers Posted by Rollchan on 05:13:2001 07:50 PM: 1 Icebeam = You get AHVB Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 07:53 PM: Icebeam on the ground, or icebeam not during a super jump or air combo=Rattana the iceman scrub D+FP Iceman players put it to use. It's your best friend. Posted by Rollchan on 05:13:2001 07:56 PM: Do D+FP and you eat BH's AAA. And I dont think Cable players just stand around waiting for the Icebeam. I am personally juspming up and down, throwing grenades at Icefreaks. If I predict an Icebeam, say goodbye to Iceman. And as I recall in the tourney vids, Rattana lost his iceman to Cable. Nice. Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 08:02 PM: when will you scrubs stop saying that if I use D+FP i'm gonna eat a blackheart AAA. You act as if choosing Iceman means you dont get any assist of your own. P.S. Rattana puts me to shame. He needs to stop choosing Iceman, he makes me sad. Posted by §inn on 05:13:2001 08:04 PM: iceman + doom can hold down the fort pretty well, imo. hella chipping, but cable is owned by noone you scrub... well maybe §piral, heh Posted by Rollchan on 05:13:2001 08:05 PM: A simple viperbeam to the other side of the screen says that your assist is gone. At the same time, BH's AAA. Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 08:11 PM: oh yea, rollchan, i forgot viper beam stops every assist in the game :^) *pets rollchan on the head* good scrub. Posted by Sekiria on 05:13:2001 08:14 PM: Uh, Rollchan, there's no point in arguing with a whining retard. Just let him go on with his delusion that Iceman owns Cable (which I don't see happening AT ALL). Rahsaan, you're an idiot. Posted by DarthSalamander on 05:13:2001 08:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan11 good scrub. Better than being a stupid, asshole, scrub like you. Posted by Bastion on 05:13:2001 08:22 PM: just add him to your ignore list. It solves everyones problems Posted by JedahZero on 05:13:2001 08:24 PM: I would just like to point out that this argument is what makes MvC2 a poor game IMO. I'd go into details, but I'm a lazy bastard Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 08:32 PM: Nobody has answered the question, since he beats Cable, and Cable is apart of your little silly top t*er, where does that put Iceman?? on the shroud of turan or something right? Posted by LordLocke on 05:13:2001 08:34 PM: Actually, the only thing ever proven is that Iceman can't do anything to Cable. Every time we ever ask how Iceman beats Cable, you either come up with something that doesn't work, or you avoid the question. I don't know what assist Iceman has, but guess what, Cable will kill it. AVHBx3 works on assists too, heck he can even do five in a row to an assist, and even if Iceman isn't taking any chip, he's still stuck blocking it. Considering that Iceman can't mount a risk-free offence on Cable without assists either (Which just means the risk is to the assister, not Iceman), Iceman really can't do much to Cable. And yeah, the Grenade, the first part of the Crackdown, and the Psiscmitar all chip Iceman, so it's not like Cable can't chip away at Iceman and prevent a stand-still, and if Cable has something like Blackheart AAA, Doom AAA, or Sentinal Ground, the situation is that much worse for Iceman, either by forced Lockdown, Chip, or Both. Said it before and I'll say it again, Doom as an assist gets Iceman for near-free. Yet, if Iceman wants to chip at Cable, he's leaving himself wide open for Cable to retaliate. Posted by LastGod VT on 05:13:2001 08:36 PM: iceman sucks, get over it Rahsaan Posted by Terazon on 05:13:2001 08:37 PM: True story. I did this a few days ago. I had Cable on point. I had 3.9 levels of meter 1]He Icebeamed 2]I AHVB 3]His Icebeam passes through Cable's legs. It missed. 4]Iceman eats the super. He BARELY died from it. 5]I guardbreak the next character [meter is at level 3] and plow him with supers. I have some obvious and extremely powerfull doubts as to Iceman owning Cable especially after doing something like this to someone. As long as you have the lead, Iceman IMO hasn't got much of a chance against Cable. Maybe you're seeing something we're not. Just all of our opinions I guess. I am opened minded enough to look at this though as flexibility is power. Posted by ShinX on 05:13:2001 08:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan11 when will you scrubs stop saying that if I use D+FP i'm gonna eat a blackheart AAA. You act as if choosing Iceman means you dont get any assist of your own. P.S. Rattana puts me to shame. He needs to stop choosing Iceman, he makes me sad. Did you see Rattana in a video, or do you actually play in the Seattle area? Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 08:45 PM: Oh well I guess i'm the only Iceman master here. WHy waste my time talking to a bunch of silly Americans. You will just have to wait until B5 for me to win, so that you all can jump on Iceman's bandwagon, and his assist which is nothing you are worthy to know *packs belongings for Japan* Posted by ShinX on 05:13:2001 09:36 PM: You still didn't answer my question Posted by State of Nature on 05:13:2001 10:01 PM: All that's been "established" is that ORG never answers actual gameplay questions, is hypocritical ("i don't believe in tiers," "Iceman will be top tier when I win B5," "If I hear the word tier, you will be my victim," "The japanese tier thread establishes that Iceman is top tier"), compares himself to Jesus, will not tell us where he is from (He plays in New Orleans, hotbed of MvC2 talent, yet calls everybody silly Americans, while sucking up to the Japanese), offers bad advice and when he's called on it claims he just mistyped it, and is a condescending asshole. Somebody ban him again. None of these threads have any point, and he has no respect for logic or other people's opinions. ORG- if your mom is really taking you to B5, shut up til you get there and win. You aren't convincing anybody here of anything, other than your own lack of manners and capability for logical thought. Posted by on 05:13:2001 10:13 PM: Iceman is next to nothing without proper use of his Icebeams. In the corner, a good AAA into an Ice Avalanche into an Arctic Attack is a plus, though. Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 10:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeoG2 Iceman is next to nothing without proper use of his Icebeams. In the corner, a good AAA into an Ice Avalanche into an Arctic Attack is a plus, though. Lmao you Iceman scrubs acutally use Ice Avanlance and get away with it lol. No wonder Iceman isnt in your little retarded top t*er Where did the t*ers originated? The west coast, where no one plays a decent Iceman. Rattana is a huge example of this. Posted by DarthSalamander on 05:13:2001 10:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by GeoG2 Iceman is next to nothing without proper use of his Icebeams. In the corner, a good AAA into an Ice Avalanche into an Arctic Attack is a plus, though. uhhhh no. Iceman is next to nothing without the ability to block about half the attacks in the game that do chip and take none. Iceman can win a whole match by taking a lead and blocking. No Icebeams needed. Do you mean combo the AAA into Ice Avalanche into Artic Attack or doing it for chip. Either way, there are better options. Posted by Voodoo on 05:13:2001 10:37 PM: Ok, Iceman beats Cable. We'll go with this as being fact. So is he a great character? No. He's decent. Not great. You could setup a million situations where Iceman would be the guy you want in. However, you could also setup a million *more* situations where you don't want him in. He's a good counter pick for some teams (cable/bh comes to mind). On the other hand, Iceman will lose horribly to strider/doom, or spiral swords, or storm keepaway, etc. Decent? Yes. Great? Close, but he doesn't have the stuff. Posted by State of Nature on 05:13:2001 10:41 PM: ORG, why are you always hating on Rattana? Have you ever even MET Rattana? Has he ever SAID anything to you? Has he ever DONE anything against you? My guess is the answer is no, so why this vicious hatred of him, and bringing up his name all the time when he has nothing to do with you, and has given you no reason to hate him? Where is all this misplaced immature aggression stemming from? Posted by on 05:13:2001 10:47 PM: I'm sick of people using that no block damage excuse...and I'm talking about using it as a combo...not to chip people off...the combo itself does moderate damage. Depending on the person's game, if you get caught with a normal attack...they will see to it your Iceman gets taken out quick by throwing in assists and canceling into HCs. He has excellent defense, but he takes hits far worse than people give him credit for. And with Cable concerned...a missed Ice Avalanche equals an AHVB. If they can't chip you...they will throw you. You WILL get hit with an assist sooner or stop thinking Iceman is all that. He has flaws...very noticable flaws. Posted by on 05:13:2001 10:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan11 Lmao you Iceman scrubs acutally use Ice Avanlance and get away with it lol. No wonder Iceman isnt in your little retarded top t*er Where did the t*ers originated? The west coast, where no one plays a decent Iceman. Rattana is a huge example of this. Sorry...I don't follow tiers and all that other bullshit. My gameplan revolves around what works best for me...not the highlights people claim a character has. Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 10:55 PM: DarthSalamander shut the fuck up, no Iceman expert in their right mind would EVER use Ice Avalance. Nor would they do Icebeams that arent in air combos or during super jumps. P.S. DarthSalamander shut the fuuuuuuuuckkkkk up, and stop spreading false tips on Iceman. No wonder he's not top t*er at this site, because of people like you giving up wack strategies for him. Posted by State of Nature on 05:13:2001 11:05 PM: Answer my questions about Rat ORG. Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 11:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature Answer my questions about Rat ORG. Well because he makes me look bad. He also makes Iceman look bad, which ultimately makes me look bad. P.S. I have nothing against Rattana the person in any way. Posted by State of Nature on 05:13:2001 11:18 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Rahsaan11 [B] "Well because he makes me look bad." Really, how the f*ck does he make you look bad? You have NO CONNECTION with him. "He also makes Iceman look bad, which ultimately makes me look bad." This is not logical. This is a really poor attempt to justify your vicious attacks on him. "P.S. I have nothing against Rattana the person in any way." That would make sense since you've never met/talked/played/had any contact with him ever, but you sure sound like you have some personal issues because of the petty, immature, vicious way you invoke him at every corner, calling him an idiot and a scrub. PS-go to There's a video of Rattana beating one of Duc's bidness teams. There's no video of you beating a comparably skilled player/team. Nobody has seen you play, your posts have given us no reason to believe you are any good, and until you win a major tournament or somebody credible watches you play, everybody here will (rightfully) continue to think you are a loudmouth and a scrub. Stop hating on people you don't even know, people with established reps and credentials which you lack. Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:13:2001 11:38 PM: calm your ass down please. You are getting all excited as if you can actually beat me in mvc2. I have already said I will send a VHS to this site you headboard grasper. Posted by Dasrik on 05:14:2001 12:16 AM: WTF is wrong with doing an Icebeam on the ground if it's not vs. Cable? It's acknowledged that you at least know what you're doing with Iceman, but your talk is only going to set yourself up for disappointment. Just tell us about Iceman already. If what you have in mind is so game breaking, at least give people the chance to come up with some form of counter so you can get a fair test of how strong it REALLY is... Posted by ej_333 on 05:14:2001 12:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan11 I have already said I will send a VHS to this site you headboard grasper. Liar. Posted by Rahsaan11 on 05:14:2001 12:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by ej_333 Liar. Your mom lied when she said she went to the store last night. Dasrik ground icebeams on the ground can be punished by alot of characters, especially Magneto. He can block one from about 3/4 screen distance and still have time to wave dash and launch you. So unless you are playing against a character who cant counter than abuse it. But i recommend abusing icerock cross up combos with Iceman to no end, and protect yourself with good assists. Posted by ej_333 on 05:14:2001 12:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan11 Your mom lied when she said she went to the store last night. I'll retract my previous statement once i see footage. Posted by akumachan on 05:14:2001 12:32 AM: oooh good post state of nature. Posted by Hoju Jr on 05:14:2001 12:44 AM: OK let me keep this short! Ice man sucks! he is ok but all his moves lag! you can tiger knee anything he does! the only way you can beat cable with iceman is if you get a good lead and there is only like 20 secs left! all you have to do from there is super jump and block all day cause cable won't be able to chip u for shit! Posted by Sekiria on 05:14:2001 12:46 AM: Keep it up, retard Rahsaan. Your ass will indeed get banned again, if it hasn't already. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 12:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Hoju Jr OK let me keep this short! Ice man sucks! he is ok but all his moves lag! you can tiger knee anything he does! the only way you can beat cable with iceman is if you get a good lead and there is only like 20 secs left! all you have to do from there is super jump and block all day cause cable won't be able to chip u for shit! Cable cant counter an overhead icerock D+FP with AHVB you scrub. Blah, i give up, if you say he sucks he sucks. Posted by DarkDragon on 05:14:2001 12:53 AM: My B.B Hood can rape any iceman. Posted by Baby Bonnie Hood on 05:14:2001 01:01 AM: ORG speaks the truth!!! I saw him beat Rattawhatshisname with Iceman/Omega Red/Servobot. He is a god!!! Of course, afterwards, I kicked his ass good with BBH/Sakura/Tron Bonne. He also gave me a 100 win streak in a futile attempt to beat me. I guess I'm a better god than he is Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 01:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by Baby Bonnie Hood ORG speaks the truth!!! I saw him beat Rattawhatshisname with Iceman/Omega Red/Servobot. He is a god!!! Of course, afterwards, I kicked his ass good with BBH/Sakura/Tron Bonne. He also gave me a 100 win streak in a futile attempt to beat me. I guess I'm a better god than he is LMAO, You're funny Posted by ShoFunaki on 05:14:2001 03:17 AM: Iceman CAN beat Cable. Just sj, icebeam, hold back until you reach the ground, repeat. Posted by ELLwarriors on 05:14:2001 03:19 AM: Rahsaan, if you've read my previous post on the thread "the next person that says the word tier...", you'd understand why I ain't sayin nothin. But remember, I ain't ever gonna bow down to you as a gaming god or get on you're so-called bandwagon. If you haven't already, read my reply. Posted by Rollchan on 05:14:2001 03:20 AM: It is a proven fact that a Cable can superjump right after Icebeam and AHVB. I've donen it so many times to Icefreaks it's not funny. Also remember that a superjumping Icebeam won't hit a cable thats on the ground. It will go right over his head. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 03:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rollchan It is a proven fact that a Cable can superjump right after Icebeam and AHVB. I've donen it so many times to Icefreaks it's not funny. Also remember that a superjumping Icebeam won't hit a cable thats on the ground. It will go right over his head. You are silly. Shhhushh... I'm coming for you soon. August is coming soon, i'm gonna eat your children now shut the fudge up, until then. Posted by Lord Doom on 05:14:2001 03:48 AM: Why do these threads with ORG always look more and more like middle school lunch rooms. All these yo mama jokes and what not. Kinda funny though. Posted by Hentai on 05:14:2001 03:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom Why do these threads with ORG always look more and more like middle school lunch rooms. All these yo mama jokes and what not. Kinda funny though. yeah its sad how the srk message board became the message board almost over night. Posted by *Dp on 05:14:2001 03:51 AM: ORG-you're one of the funniest people here on srk. At least you have an open mind lol aircombo into icebeam some funny shit. Also um....has anyone took into consideration that this COULD possibily be Rattana, and just a joke maybe that's why he keeps on mentioning/bringing up Rattana to throw people off but I SERIOUSLY doubt it tho, but it's possible. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 04:55 AM: how do you Icebeam effectively in an air combo. This answer is just for you assbite. launch lp,lk,lp,lk,delay lp (blocking opponent) Icebeam, ice rock D+FP keep them in blocking frame, do another downward icebeam. Mad chipping damage renfro. Now you know and knowing is half the battle. Posted by State of Nature on 05:14:2001 04:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 [B Now you know and nothing is half the battle. [/B] I don't know what's more pathetic, the fact that you use lines from GI Joe (this really IS middle school lunch) or that you can't even get it right. By my math, if nothing is half the battle, then the whole battle is also nothing, right? What a maroon... Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 05:10 AM: NOw that flame was so uncalled for it was funny, of course everyone knows i got that from G.I. Joe. It was supposed to be a joke, but you were stupid enough to take it serious and cretique it. Guess you dont have common sense to know when someone is serious. Posted by Baby Bonnie Hood on 05:14:2001 05:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 launch lp,lk,lp,lk,delay lp (blocking opponent) Icebeam, ice rock D+FP keep them in blocking frame, do another downward icebeam. Mad chipping damage renfro. Sounds kickass. Too bad you could never do that to me. Your air combo attempts suck. I should know, I played you. I also played Duc Whateverhislastnameis. Posted by Lord Doom on 05:14:2001 05:13 AM: Can somebody please pass the milk. These hard school pizzas are hard to swallow. Posted by State of Nature on 05:14:2001 05:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 NOw that flame was so uncalled for it was funny, of course everyone knows i got that from G.I. Joe. It was supposed to be a joke, but you were stupid enough to take it serious and cretique it. Guess you dont have common sense to know when someone is serious. Uh, I guess you STILL don't see why your post was funny. Re-read my last post. Done? Sure? OK. So maybe NOW you will realize that the GI Joe quote is "Now you KNOW, and KNOWing is half the battle." Look at your original quote. You wrote "now you know, and NOTHing is half the battle." Do you see the difference? You wrote "NOTHING" when the actual quote is "KNOWING." See the difference? Sure? Take your time on this one. OK. Now, assuming you understand this difference, my last post points out that you can't even quote children's shows correctly. Geez, it's not like you're misquoting great philosophers here. You can't even quote a children's TV show without f*cking it up royally. And when somebody points out this lack of intelligence on your part, you STILL don't realize that you f*cked up. It's downright amazing. This reminds me of the time when you thought that ice turns fire into water, instead of realizing that fire turns ice into water. By the way, "cretique" isn't a word. Now you know, and KNOWING is half the battle. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 06:04 AM: You're high dude and so am I. You are talking about fire and ice now this is getting scary. I'll put this argument to a rest, and i never watched that show so i probably did fuck up the quote. Thanks for writing a documentary on it. And oh my god, i spelled critique wrong. Please dont kill me. That's why you lose miserably to me in mvc2. Dont cry ya hear!! *winks* Posted by omni on 05:14:2001 06:06 AM: I like how there are 3 pages of people asking you for concrete evidence on how Iceman supposedly beats Cable and you can't even provide it. The closest thing you can even come up with that might be reputable is quoting White's post. Not to tear White apart, cause I like the kid - but shall we also repeat what he has said? First of all, your man White admits to the concept of tiers, he claimed Morrigan was in the 2nd tier than decided against it later on and changed his mind, and last but not least shall I remind you that White didn't even win a game when he fought against Team USA? So looking for a random Japanese person for empirical evidence is getting you nowhere. Then you try to elevate yourself above Rattana - who surprised everyone (even me) by coming down to SHGL and getting 3rd. Do you think that there is some coincidence that SHGL spawned over half of the original Team USA? Do you fail to recognize that people like Valle, Thao, Choi, Watson, etc have travelled all over america and still consistently win? Could there be a coincidence that the people who consistently beat everyone else in America in not just MvC2, but also Tekken, A3, CvS, A2, etc all agree upon not only the concept of Tiers but also who usually occupies them? Until you can even begin to refute this, I am done with you you tiny bitch. Derek Daniels Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 06:16 AM: From what i've seen here is my response to you. I'm not tiny My Iceman is better than Rattana's, hands fucking down until they burrow into the center of the Earth. Ummm... What else? OH yeah "My Iceman" beats Cable. Umm.. that's it, i'm too loaded to explain anything else right now. Posted by Dilated Hadashi on 05:14:2001 06:18 AM: I think we should set up a bettin pool on how many times ORG gets banned... that number next to rahsaan is on the creep up... i got money around 30-35 before this fun all stops personally, i dig iceman, a whole lot too... and i can beat cable very often with him, though I know the competiton at nothing to worry about in madison, though haven't fought ryu1999. for some reason whenever I'm in the union, its always passer-bys with the quarter... but I'm gettin off tangent here, so who wants to join in on the pool? Might even set-up odds too... -- I'm kinda like an epiphany, I'll get to you eventually -- Posted by State of Nature on 05:14:2001 06:20 AM: Wow, I agreed with Omni and everybody else who has put forth rational arguments explaining why your strats don't work, why tiers exist, and why you are a scrub, but your response to Omni has now convinced me that Iceman does indeed own Cable, that you are better than Rattana, that you will win B5, and that you are the Jesus of MvC2. Posted by Hentai on 05:14:2001 06:23 AM: i'm waiting for someone to pull org's mask off, so we all find out he is accually old man smithers who runs the amusement park. Posted by State of Nature on 05:14:2001 06:25 AM: and you know, he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids! Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 06:28 AM: Why would i give my strategies to people who hate my guts??? I probably wont even get credit for winning B5. So say I did tell you guys my gameplan, so that Iceman can become apart of you idiots little top t*er. I dont want anyone using my stuff against me, but i can give some basic tips out. I'm pretty sure i can at least push iceman, megaman, and anakaris into this company. But i also use IM, Strider, ummm omega red of course, and a few others. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 05:14:2001 07:19 PM: Rahsaan?? It's time to stop this hoolapalooza and admit that Iceman loses to Cable. Even if Iceman is one on one Cable can do lk lk rk ahvbx3 and it's a done deal. Vanilla still has to much lag to win, and Cable in the air has a real small amount. Come on Rahsaan or ORG or whoever you are let's stop this already!!! Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 07:31 PM: THis isnt a game, i know how to beat Cable with Iceman. Posted by StiltMan on 05:14:2001 07:50 PM: Well, this is nucking futs. ORG, what is it now... three nicknames you've gotten banned under now? Why, you might ask? Because you're not contributing anything except repeating "my Iceman owns Cable". All you offer when people ask you how is excuses. Oh, and lots of hating on Rattana, for no other apparent reason than that he's a convenient foil because he's only the best proven Iceman player in the country. And that's the difference between you and him: Rattana has dominated the Pacific Northwest for the last seven months, and has gone to the hottest seat in the country and demonstrated he can hang with the best of them using Iceman. Whereas you... have posted a lot of repetitive drivel and offer no evidence that you've ever won a coin toss, much less a single tournament match. Rather big difference there. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 08:07 PM: Holy shit i watched the Rattana and Duc match. And if this guy Rattana is labelled the best Iceman player in the country, than i have already won B5. Please say you are joking. Posted by Hentai on 05:14:2001 08:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 Holy shit i watched the Rattana and Duc match. And if this guy Rattana is labelled the best Iceman player in the country, than i have already won B5. Please say you are joking. isnt having the best iceman sort of like having the worlds fastest Dodge Neon, i mean sure it would be kind of cool. But in the grand scheme of things, who cares? Posted by NJzFinest on 05:14:2001 08:21 PM: yeah ORG i agree with you... iceman could beat cable if he could fly like sentinel, had superarmor, had a 50% powerup glitch, had and airdash, had a doublejump, had a hailstorm, and his own AHVB you dumb little scub. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 08:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest yeah ORG i agree with you... iceman could beat cable if he could fly like sentinel, had superarmor, had a 50% powerup glitch, had and airdash, had a doublejump, had a hailstorm, and his own AHVB you dumb little scub. You are calling me a scrub, with that weak ass team right there. Lmao, you dont know shit about my Iceman obviously, if you think Cable can beat it. Posted by NJzFinest on 05:14:2001 08:31 PM: i'm calling you a scrub because you know you cant beat anyone's cable and posting about being able to take everyone's cable makes you feel like a big guy. since no one has even seen you or heard of you i'm positive youre just bluffing about everything youre saying. oh yeah and about my team... its a good team that can handle almost any other team it plays. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 08:37 PM: People has seen me play asshole, i live in New Orleans and there was a guy on here who knew me, posting good things about me. And no, no ,no,no,no,no,no,no,no NOOOOOOOo i'm not bluffing. CApcom AAA weak Posted by NJzFinest on 05:14:2001 08:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 People has seen me play asshole, i live in New Orleans and there was a guy on here who knew me, posting good things about me. And no, no ,no,no,no,no,no,no,no NOOOOOOOo i'm not bluffing. CApcom AAA weak with all the names you make for yourself who can believe the fact that you know anyone at all? you probably live in seattle and went to a tourney and got your ass handed to you buy rattana and thats why you talk so much shit about him. Capcom AAA TOO POWERFUL Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 08:39 PM: People have seen me play asshole, i live in New Orleans and there was a guy on here who knew me, posting good things about me. And no, no ,no,no,no,no,no,no,no NOOOOOOOo i'm not bluffing. CApcom AAA weak, iceman rapes him magneto I hope you use capture type at least Sentinel LOL, i'll rape his big silly ass. Are you going to B5, if so i want to beat the shit out of that team the day before the tourney for practice. Posted by Sekiria on 05:14:2001 08:41 PM: Man, I'm just going to stand back and laugh at all of this whilst everyone else continues to flame him. Face it Rahsaan, Iceman CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT beat Cable. Admit it, stupid bitch. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 08:44 PM: I consciously stop myself from using the silly little top t*er characters on my team, just to make it fair my human beings, who deserve at least a chance to beat me. Only so called top t*er character i use as of now is Strider. Posted by Hentai on 05:14:2001 08:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 People have seen me play asshole, i live in New Orleans and there was a guy on here who knew me, posting good things about me. And no, no ,no,no,no,no,no,no,no NOOOOOOOo i'm not bluffing. CApcom AAA weak, iceman rapes him magneto I hope you use capture type at least Sentinel LOL, i'll rape his big silly ass. Are you going to B5, if so i want to beat the shit out of that team the day before the tourney for practice. ok ok, so iceman owns cable, capcom and sentinel, well gosh if some random scrub from Louisiana says it, it must be so! sure he's never had any real competition, but who cares, if he says it, it must be so! and for the record, iceman can own all those people, as long as the computer is controling them. now if your accually fighting an opponent, well thats another story. Posted by bluemace on 05:14:2001 08:46 PM: I've seen lots of people throw Iceman around the screen using Cable. Cable can also do that wonderful high priority jump-in roundhouse kick of his and Iceman dies. Iceman can't really do anything against Cable's jump-in roundhouse and Cable has a greater throw range than Iceman. ~bluemace Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 08:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Sekiria Man, I'm just going to stand back and laugh at all of this whilst everyone else continues to flame him. Face it Rahsaan, Iceman CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT beat Cable. Admit it, stupid bitch. why would i admit something that i have proven to be untrue?? honest to god, I know how to beat Cable with Iceman. This is not a joke, or an attempt to bring attention to myself. P.S. I never said he beat sentinel you asswipe. I know he loses to sentinel already. Posted by MarkyMark on 05:14:2001 08:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 Are you going to B5, if so i want to beat the shit out of that team the day before the tourney for practice. Wondering, but how certain is your appearance at B5? Is it something you PLAN on happening, or do you KNOW you'll be there? I think the hypothetical fight, Iceman versus Cable, is largely based on assists. Because it it was one on one, Iceman would probably win with super jump D+HP XX Downward Icebeam. Cable's best chances are having Blackheart AAA, Sentinel Ground assist, or Spiral Projectile. With Blackheart, it makes it more difficult to do the super jumping attacks (which are bascially Iceman's only friends versus Cable, unless he wants to rush down Cable). Sentinel lets Cable do some basic trapping and chip at the same time. Spiral's projectile lets you do the Cable/Spiral trap for which Iceman really has no impunity. I think if Cable has these, then Iceman's best choice is to get to the air (safely!) or rush-down with a good assist (Doom, good AAA, whatever). I rank Iceman pretty high in the tiers, but honestly ORG, it has nothing to do with your "arguments." And quit saying that you don't wanna give away your strats. That's such a likely excuse. Posted by ej_333 on 05:14:2001 09:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by MarkyMark Because it it was one on one, Iceman would probably win with super jump D+HP XX Downward Icebeam. Hey, are you sure that's safe against Cable? I read in an earlier post that Cable still can AHVB Iceman if he blocks a Fierce Icebeam from a little less than superjump height. Is this true?! Posted by MarkyMark on 05:14:2001 09:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by ej_333 Hey, are you sure that's safe against Cable? I read in an earlier post that Cable still can AHVB Iceman if he blocks a Fierce Icebeam from a little less than superjump height. Is this true?! If Iceman is in range for a standard AHVB to hit, then it's not safe, but if he does the downward Icebeam from higher in the air (a good distance is when you can't see Cable anymore) it should be safe. It can also work to knock out an assist, like Blackheart, before it hits Iceman. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 09:17 PM: I rush alot with Iceman. Iceman owns Cable you inferior mortals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i use strider varitey for cross ups. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 05:14:2001 09:18 PM: Rahsaan tell me who can beat Iceman. Or who Iceman beats and why. Tell me, in fact tell us all! Posted by ej_333 on 05:14:2001 09:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by MarkyMark If Iceman is in range for a standard AHVB to hit, then it's not safe, but if he does the downward Icebeam from higher in the air (a good distance is when you can't see Cable anymore) it should be safe. It can also work to knock out an assist, like Blackheart, before it hits Iceman. Ah, i see, thanks. BTW, when you say "standard AHVB", you mean tigerknee AHVB, right? I've been fooling with Iceman for the last couple weeks, and i was afraid my iceman experiment was going to have to end... Man, it's a lot of work to win with iceman, lol. But it's pretty fun to use him, you always have to be on your toes. Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 09:20 PM: It is not hard to win with Iceman you fucking idiot, you probably use wack assist or it's probably because you are not me. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 05:14:2001 09:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 It is not hard to win with Iceman you fucking idiot, you probably use wack assist or it's probably because you are not me. Answer my fucking question. Posted by X ƒactor on 05:14:2001 09:36 PM: iceman is like cyclops, he doesnt have many strengths and not many weaknesses, balanced, but not the best Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 09:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL Answer my fucking question. What question jackass?? AIM:ORG136 Posted by Flaron on 05:14:2001 09:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 P.S. I never said he beat sentinel you asswipe. I know he loses to sentinel already. quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 Sentinel LOL, i'll rape his big silly ass. Posted by ej_333 on 05:14:2001 09:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 It is not hard to win with Iceman you fucking idiot, you probably use wack assist or it's probably because you are not me. Shoosh. Posted by Flaron on 05:14:2001 09:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 how do you Icebeam effectively in an air combo. This answer is just for you assbite. launch lp,lk,lp,lk,delay lp (blocking opponent) Icebeam, ice rock D+FP keep them in blocking frame, do another downward icebeam. Mad chipping damage renfro. Why the fuck would you do that when you can air combo into a super. Posted by TRuNK$ on 05:14:2001 09:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan11 oh yea, rollchan, i forgot viper beam stops every assist in the game :^) *pets rollchan on the head* good scrub. lmao GO OMEGA RED GURU!!!!! Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:14:2001 09:55 PM: Depends on if you are trying to charge meter, or if you have meter at all. Posted by TheWholeFnShow on 05:14:2001 10:53 PM: I think Rashaan's biggest problems are... -not giving proof/evidence/facts regarding Iceman v Cable -claiming to be better than Duc and Rattana, despite not proving anything in tourneys and such -claiming to win B5, despite not winning or placing in LOCAL tournies (unless you have and I'm unaware of it) I'm not doubting whatever skills you may possess but claiming to win something as huge as B5 is a big statement -making fun of/dissing everyone that tries to argue with him...(i might be next =) ) So far, you've rarely brought up any arguments to support your claims. You just state opinions and then bash anyone that brings counter-arguments to your opinion. About B5, you've put A LOT on the say you will WIN B5, not "do well," but WIN the whole thing. You'd better hope that your combinations of Megaman/Strider/IM/Omega Red/Anakaris/etc. can stop Spiral/Sent ground traps, (near)perfect Strider/Dooms, Insane Magento/Storm/Psylocke rushdown, etc. And for the amount of talk you bring, you'd BETTER go to B5 b/c I doubt that people at this forum will take any excuse if you fail to show up. Just a word of advice Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 05:14:2001 10:59 PM: hey ORG yo gonna be at ECC Posted by State of Nature on 05:14:2001 11:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by Rahsaan12 People have seen me play asshole, i live in New Orleans and there was a guy on here who knew me, posting good things about me. OK, first off, the guy who had seen you play admitted he was a scrub and a beginner. He said so. The fact that you would cling to an unknown beginner's testimony to try and establish a rep is beyond pathetic. No really, think about it. He admitted he was a beginner and didn't know much about the game. So since he says he saw you get a win streak, all of a sudden this is supposed to validate you in our eyes? Come on man, that's weak. Here's another ORG quote from this very page: "P.S. I never said he beat sentinel you asswipe. I know he loses to sentinel already." and then a few posts earlier: "Sentinel LOL, i'll rape his big silly ass." Go home. Better yet, some mod ban him. He has not posted a single constructive post yet. Just look at the first post in this thread, it was obviously started for the sole purpose to continue the BS argument he started in the thread that got locked. Ban his IP, he's just sucking bandwidth. Posted by Will Hunting on 05:14:2001 11:37 PM: It has already been established that Rahsaan is the ultimate scrub ever to be produced by mankind. A scrub usually has inferior skills, inferior strategy knowledge, and the ever present arrogance. Rahsaan has all of these qualities. He will never hesitate to brag at every opportunity he gets, and puts down ideas of people such as tiers and refers to people as dumb for using such ideas. But when you ask him actual questions, he avoids answering them, because he doesn't have the knowledge to give a decent answer. And last but not least, his analysis of character tiers shows his lack of knowledge and experience in higher gameplay, or tourney play. Posted by Hentai on 05:14:2001 11:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by Flaron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Rahsaan12 P.S. I never said he beat sentinel you asswipe. I know he loses to sentinel already. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Rahsaan12 Sentinel LOL, i'll rape his big silly ass. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- split personality ? Posted by Rahsaan12 on 05:15:2001 02:14 AM: I didnt say Iceman rapes sentinel, i said my team as a whole does. Read it again, i was talking about my team as a whole. And yes you are all upset that you cant beat me. I do not blame you. Posted by Javi on 05:15:2001 02:15 AM: Cable/Doom destroys Iceman, utterly. There are lots of other teams that do so as well. Case closed... and so is this thread. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:27 PM. Show all 105 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.